Important Note:
The map marker above only indicates the centre of the WF8 2ST postcode. You should confirm the exact location of D A Tyre And Auto before visiting.
D A Tyre And Auto in Pontefract provides MOT services for the following types of vehicles:
Vehicles Covered
Class 4
3-wheeled vehicles (over 450kg unladen weight)
Cars (up to 8 passenger seats)
Motor caravans
Quads (max unladen weight 400kg - for goods vehicles 550kg and max net power of 15kw)
Dual purpose vehicles
Private hire and public service vehicles (up to 8 seats)
Ambulances and taxis
Private passenger vehicles and ambulances (9 to 12 passenger seats)
Goods vehicles (up to 3,000kg design gross weight)
Class 4a
Class 4 vehicles (9 to 12 passenger seats) with a seat belt installation check